About Conference

The International Conference on Systems, Computation, Automation and Networking (ICSCAN – 2024) is planned to be conducted in the month of July 2024. ICSCAN-2024 aims at bringing together researchers, scientists, engineers, research scholars, industrial participants and budding students around the world to a common platform to share their experiences, new ideas, and research findings on all aspects of Electrical, Electronics, Communication and Computer Engineering. The researchers will present the state of the art of expansions and technical elucidations covering wide range of topics in the fields of Engineering. The conference will be complete, concise, clear and cohesive in terms of research related to Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering


The prime aim of the conference is to promote international collaboration in Education and Research in all fields and disciplines of engineering. The presence of more than 600 delegates from different countries is expected. ICSCAN -2024 aims to provide an opportune forum and vibrant platform for Researchers, Academicians, Scientists and Industrial Practitioners to share their ideas ,original research work, patents, findings and practical development experiences on the specific new challenges and emerging issues confronting the nation. The key fields of focus of the conference are not limited. But Electrical, Electronics,and Computer engineering are the essential disciplines in Engineering. Their evolution relies on progress in all these complementary scientific and technological fields which makes the conference on Systems, Computation, Automation and Networking significant one. This conference provides an international forum for the exchange of ideas, discussions on research results and the presentation of theoretical and practical applications in these domains.

The objective of this conference is to create awareness and to provide a perfect platform for the participants to upgrade their knowledge and experience and to discuss on the ways to foster the exchange of concepts, prototypes, research ideas and the research work. This conference reflects the current focus of global research, recent developments, interdisciplinary research and practices in the fields of Engineering.

Manakula Vinayagar Institue of Technology,
Kalitheerthal Kuppam,
Manadipet Commune,
Puducherry - 605 107

Email: [email protected]

  • 9488812693
  • 9444236059
  • 0413-2643007


  • 0413-2643008
  • 0413-2643014